Tuesday, March 4, 2008


woo hoo! down 78.8 pounds!!!!! i posted a new progress pic. i now officially weigh 190.6 lbs!!!!

and i'm buying a new car! i'm going this morning to look at a 2005 PT Cruiser....i'm quite excited.....

anywhoo, just a quick post cuz i gotta go look at the car! yay!!!!!!

1 comment:

The Engineer said...


You look great:) Congrad on you loss.
I am a new reader of your blog and and new to Niagara Region.
I live close (kind of) to Seaway mall and I was wondering which meeting you are attending (of course if you do not mind mentioning). I went to one in St. Catharine and I did not like it, so I quited!
I have another question (as I told you I am new to the area) again if you do not mind! My eyebrows need to be plucked and I am desperately looking for a professional. I was wondering if you have any recommendations?
