Tuesday, January 8, 2008

almost vacation time!

well, today was a busy busy day! i got up and went to cyclefit this morning. of course, when i get to the ymca, they inform me that my membership has expired and it's renewal time. argh...fees went up. bah humbug. lol! it's worth it tho.

so i renew my membership before class. go cycle, then do a little ab work. then i went to the bank and got some american money for my trip. :) then i went to the beauty supply shop to get some stuff for work. then i had subway for lunch. again. it's just about the only place i feel comfortable eating at on the WW plan. i know i could have mcdonalds if i wanted it, but i feel icky eating it. lol!

so then i had to go to the doctor. for a mammogram. i was not impressed. they squished my boobs and it was uncomfortable. but i suppose it's a good thing to do. but definitely not fun.

so then i went to the laundromat and did 3 loads of laundry. god i hate laundry.then i went for a tan, then came home and put away the laundry! lolso that was my day off....a very busy day off. the next few days leading up to my trip will be particularly busy. but the trip will be sooooooo worth it!


Crystal said...

When you say busy you mean it ... I got tired just reading all of that LOL

Carleen said...

that was a very busy day!! good for you getting the uncomfortable mammogram- Boobie Health is Important!!1
I'm SOO jealous of your trip- hope you ahve fun packin this week!

Unknown said...

holy busy day is right! I wanna go on vacation too, you look awesome by the way :)

byebyechunkymonkey said...

You are a little hottie, bumped into your blog while commenting on someone else’s blog. Way to go. I will add you to my page and use you as motivation!